Everyone lines up on one side of the room — except the coal producer (front of the room) and the utility company/distributor (center of the room).
The coal producer rolls 2 dice to determine the amount of electricity in kilowatt hours (“steps”) that are available this round. The coal producer announces the amount loudly to the distributor. The distributor has to keep track of the amount of steps.
(You can also use monopoly money to keep track of the number of steps.)
One-by-one each person (a “community”) asks “Mother-may-I use xx kilowatt hours of electricity?”
The utility says yes, or no, or adjusts the amounts.
The round is over when one person can touch the wall on the other side of the room!
You may run this with different rounds:
- Round 1: run as usual
- Round 2: before the round people can search for “RE projects” — solar, wind, or other projects that can boost their step totals; and they can use different style of steps for their moves ahead; these can be swapped or traded amongst the communities
- Round 3: climate chaos round where things may change the production, such as:
- coal plant is taken offline by flooding;
- Excessive rain blocks out the solar panels for several days so they produce nothing;
- The utility is shut down by high winds.
Debrief about the different roles, how they feel, and how the different rounds felt.